Family Centred Social Work

DOVE Hawke’s Bay wants to see the statistics for family violence decrease, with your acknowledgement and participation we can do this together in partnership. We will be dedicated to ensuring that we work in a non-judgemental way that is supportive, honest and has integrity. This journey together will be family owned and directed.

DOVE Hawke’s Bay social workers hold a vision that families have a right to:

  • Be violence free
  • Live in a safe home environment
  • Be in a relationship that is respectful, honest and loving
  • Share responsibilities and work together
  • Have a voice and to be heard by family members
  • Be trusted and supported by family
  • Know equality and what that means for the family


He aha te mea nui o te ao nei
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
What is the most important thing in this world
It is people, it is people, it is people.