DOVE Women’s Education Programmes
Become informed and empowered by attending our programme. Information, support and skills for healthy and positive relationships.

DOVE Men's Programme
Strong, well-functioning and non-violent relationships are the foundation of resilient families and whānau. Neglectful, abusive and violent relationships are harmful to all family and whānau members. Found out more about our programmes for men.

Family Centred Social Work
DOVE Hawkes Bay wants to see the statistics for family violence decrease, with your acknowledgement and participation we can do this together in partnership. We will be dedicated to ensuring that we work in a non-judgemental way that is supportive, honest and has integrity. This journey together will be family owned and directed.

Support & Advocacy
DOVE Hawkes Bay is committed to ensuring its community is free of violence. To support this DOVE provides an advocacy and support service that will assist people who are/have been experiencing violence to manage their day-to-day obligations in a way that meets their needs and their family’s needs.

Services for Young People
Support programmes for children and young people who have witnessed family violence. This programme is facilitated by specialist staff and is offered at venues in both Napier and Hastings. The goal of the programme is to assist the young person to express his/her feelings, including feelings of hurt, pain, guilt, shame and isolation in order to assist the young person to deal with the effects of family violence.

Services in Schools
MASSiSS – Multi Agency Support Services in Secondary Schools
Dove Hawke's Bay has a Social Worker based at Flaxmere college. The role of the Social Worker is to support students and their families who, from time to time, may be faced with issues that affect their well-being or their school work.
YWiSS - Youth Workers in Secondary Schools - Check and Connect Monitoring Service
Youth Workers in Secondary Schools is an ongoing service that DOVE Hawke's Bay provides. Our Mentors will “check and connect” with Year 9 or Year 10 students (who have been nominated by their school), their teachers and their caregivers, on a regular basis. The Mentors primary focus is to keep the student at school and engaged with learning.
“Individuals and whanau live safely with integrity and respect.
DOVE Hawkes Bay Mission Statement
DOVE Hawkes Bay is a social service organisation which uses its specialist expertise in addressing violence in families to help individuals and whanau to live safely, respectfully and with dignity.